Our journey together

Identification area

At Electriffy, we understand the importance of carefully selecting areas for our nature-inclusive solar parks. Our selection process starts with an extensive analysis of potential locations. We assess suitability based on factors such as solar radiation, soil conditions and landscape features. During this process, we also take environmental and ecological aspects into account, such as the presence of protected natural areas, endangered species and sensitive ecosystems. But we also consult local communities, governments and stakeholders for their insights and how we can help them become a nature-inclusive community.

Technical visibility

Before we can implement a solar park, we start with a thorough planning phase in which we work out specific needs of the project and the stakeholders involved. We investigate the location and environment, conduct feasibility studies and take into account environmental impacts and biodiversity objectives. We involve local communities and governments in this process to ensure that their insights and concerns are taken into account in the decisions.

Together we are building a sustainable future for future generations. Hand in hand for a greener planet for everyone.

Roel van Beusekom, CEO
In 2030 our target is 10 Regenerative Regions
100% Nature inclusive
600 MW in development


In addition to the thorough planning mentioned earlier, our implementation process also includes custom designs. These designs ensure that the specific needs of each area are taken into account in the implementation. We also obtain permits and approvals, and ultimately ensure careful construction and installation. We involve local communities and governments at every stage and take into account landscape integration and nature-inclusive design principles. Through monitoring and maintenance throughout the life of the solar park, we ensure maximum energy yield and a lasting positive impact on the environment, biodiversity and the communities in which we operate.


The impact of these solar parks extends far beyond generating green energy alone. By constructing nature-inclusive solar parks, we create areas that promote biodiversity and at the same time contribute to thriving ecosystems. In addition, they also have a positive impact on local communities. They not only provide jobs and economic benefits, but also contribute to a healthy living environment and raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and sustainability.